How it Works


Select your competitors' apps from
Google Play or AppStore


RocketAnt will automatically
collect and analyze reviews

Get ideas

Get new feature ideas,
based on your competitors'
app reviews. Conveniently delivered
to you via email, Slack, Telegram, etc.

Learn from your competitors

Intelligently discover your competitors' apps. See which features their apps are missing. Read the users opinion on the recently added features. RocketAnt's powered insights bring you new ideas.

Learn from your competitors

Intelligently discover your competitors' apps. See which features their apps are missing. Read the users opinion on the recently added features. RocketAnt's powered insights bring you new ideas.

Get insights and ideas your competitors missing

Analyze features that your competitors' users are writing about in reviews. Build new features that were requested by other app's users. Analyze reviews on all your competitors apps, build megafeatures that they build separately.

Improve your app with feature requests from separate apps

Collect feature requests from multiple apps and improve your app with real user feedback. Don't waste your team resources on bad ideas: follow features other apps have added and see if the users liked them.

Improve your app with feature requests from separate apps

Collect feature requests from multiple apps and improve your app with real user feedback. Don't waste your team resources on bad ideas: follow features other apps have added and see if the users liked them.

Grow your app faster

Create the exact solution you customers need, inspired by user reports on other apps. See most requested feature requests faster than the competition.

Flexible API and seamless integration

Automate repetitive workflows that are important for your business, like collecting and analyzing competitors' reviews. RocketAnt has flexible APIs, built-in intelligence, and global infrastructure to automate at a scale. Spend less time working on manual, cumbersome processes each day. Workflows move faster, and you have more time to do what matters most. It's a win-win situation.

Flexible API and seamless integration

Automate repetitive workflows that are important for your business, like collecting and analyzing competitors' reviews. RocketAnt has flexible APIs, built-in intelligence, and global infrastructure to automate at a scale. Spend less time working on manual, cumbersome processes each day. Workflows move faster, and you have more time to do what matters most. It's a win-win situation.